How To Cook Onions WITHOUT Burning Them? Check Out the Tip Here.

Tired of burning onions when you cook them?

Every time you cook or candy onions, do they end up charred?

Fortunately, my grandmother had a great way to brown onions without burning them and blackening them.

And of course, I'll share it with you today!

The trick to browning onions without burning them is to dip them in flour before cooking them. Look :

to brown the onions without burning them, pass them in flour before frying

How to do

1. Peel the onions (without crying with this trick).

2. Slice them.

3. Pour a little oil in a pan. Heat it over low heat.

4. Spread your onions out on a plate or baking sheet.

put the onions in the flour

5. Sprinkle them with flour.

6. Fry them in the pan.


gently cook the onions in the pan

There you go, your onions are just caramelized and golden brown, without being burnt or blackened :-)

Your turn...

Do you know another trick to brown onions without burning them? Share your tips with the community by leaving a comment. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The Incredible Tip To Keep Onions Fresh For Months!

The Tip To Caramelize Onions 2 Times Faster.

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