19 Secret Uses of Magnesium Sulfate.

We often use magnesium sulfate at home.

If you are new to magnesium sulfate, it is a salt known for its benefits and restorative properties.

It is nicknamed "Epsom salt", "purgative salt", or even "bitter salt" because of its taste.

It can be found in pharmacies or on specialized sites, for a low price. You can find some here, for example.

Not only is it a great source of magnesium, it has loads of household uses too. Here is a list of my favorite uses:

Discover the 19 practical uses of sel'Epsom.

1. A relaxing salt bath

Take a hot bath for 20 minutes in which you will have poured 250 g of magnesium sulfate.

2. To extract the splinters

Dip your finger in a solution of magnesium sulfate to easily remove a splinter.

3. A magnesium foot scrub

Add a little olive oil to a handful of magnesium sulfate to make your own exfoliating cream.

4. A fertilizer for your vegetable garden

Add a pinch of magnesium sulfate to the soil of your tomato plants to promote their growth.

5. A facial cleanser

Add a pinch of magnesium sulfate to your regular cleansing milk for a magnesium exfoliating effect.

6. Tile cleaner

Mix equal parts dish soap and magnesium sulfate to scrub tile and grout. Rinse thoroughly for a streak-free shine.

7. Against muscle pain

Take a hot bath for 20 minutes in which you will have poured 500 g of magnesium sulfate. The transcutaneous effect of magnesium sulfate relieves muscle pain.

8. To water houseplants

Make it easier for your plants to grow by adding 2 tablespoons of magnesium sulfate to your watering can.

9. A volumizing conditioner

Mix equal parts conditioner and magnesium sulfate and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and air dry for thicker hair.

10. For a foot bath

For a concentrated magnesium boost, pour 250 g of magnesium sulfate in a basin full of lukewarm water and soak your feet for 20 minutes.

11. A slug repellent

Is your garden or patio invaded by slugs? Sprinkle with magnesium sulfate to keep them away.

12. A laxative effect

For occasional constipation, 1 tablespoon of magnesium sulfate in 1 glass of water helps you eliminate it.

13. To have beautiful roses

Dotted at the base of your rose bush, 1 tablespoon of magnesium sulfate per week before watering will work wonders.

14. A soil treatment

Before planting, add a few sachets of magnesium sulfate to the garden potting soil to regenerate the magnesium level.

15. To relieve headaches

Studies indicate that magnesium sulfate baths help relieve headaches.

16. To have soft skin

Mix 125g of magnesium sulfate with 60ml of olive oil and scrub in the shower for healthy, soft skin.

17. Against itchy skin and insect bites

Dissolve 1 tablespoon of magnesium sulfate in 120 ml of water and refrigerate the solution. Apply with a spray bottle or wet compresses to relieve itching.

18. To relieve sunburn

Use the same solution as for itching and spray on sunburn for relief.

19. To put children to sleep

A warm bath with 250g of magnesium sulfate before going to bed will help them sleep better.

Are you convinced by magnesium sulfate? You can get it here.

Your turn...

Have you tried magnesium sulfate? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

How To Use Magnesium Sulfate To Have A Beautiful Garden.

13 Amazing Home Uses of Epsom Salt ... Including For Your Hair!

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