11 Simple Tips To Feel Better In Your Skin INSTANTLY.

Do you want to feel better about yourself?

It's true that sometimes life is difficult ...

... and it's hard to get our heads out of the water.

But did you know that it's possible to feel good about yourself even when you're having a bad day?

Yes, the 2 are not necessarily linked!

There are indeed simple tips to combat gloom and this, in any circumstance.

how to feel better about yourself, be positive, tips to feel good

The only requirement is that you use these tips regularly to make them part of your daily routine.

Here are 11 simple and effective tips to make you feel better instantly. Look :

1. Train yourself to be grateful

Each evening, grab a pen and paper and list the little things of the day that you are grateful for. For example, think back to the things that made you smile. Make this activity fun so that it becomes a habit with you and that you can be grateful in all circumstances.

2. Do meditation

Meditation gives you a feeling of calm and serenity. It sharpens your intuition and calms your mind, not to mention the brain benefits of meditation. So why not try doing a few minutes of meditation at the start or end of your day? No need to do it for a long time, 2 or 3 min per day is enough! Yoga is also an alternative that you can try. Find out how here.

3. Change your perspective

Instead of focusing on the things that are wrong around you, try changing your perspective. Always try to look for the bright side of every situation. Despite what you might think, there is always something positive about any situation. even very difficult. It may seem complicated at first but I can tell you that with training, this way of thinking changes your life! Remember that life is always trying to teach you something.

4. Stop comparing yourself to others

Comparing yourself to others does never nothing positive in life. It is, however, the best way to feel miserable ... Instead of looking at others to compare yourself, try to see that our differences make us unique and exceptional. And if you really need to compare yourself to someone, then do it with yourself! How? 'Or' What ? Compare yourself to what you were yesterday and try to be a better person today! By trying to improve yourself every day, you can be sure that you are moving in the right direction.

5. Spend time in nature

No matter where you live, take the time to get out into nature. It will help you calm your mind and open your heart more. So, as soon as you feel overwhelmed, go outside and just enjoy the life around you. Spending just 5 minutes outdoors will make you feel better and calmer. Take a deep breath and let the smile come to your lips!

6. Put some craziness in your life

Take the time to laugh, fool around, or just smile at someone you don't know on the street. As we get older, we have the unfortunate tendency to forget it and take life too seriously! Find your child's soul and allow yourself to be a little more crazy! It's not just children who have the right to have fun :-)

7. Do a good deed

One of the best ways to instantly feel better is to do a B.A., like this, at random. You will be amazed at how much boost you will feel in your mood and energy! For example, you can buy food for a homeless person or accompany someone who has asked you for directions to their destination. Simple little touches can have an incredible effect on your mind. And even a simple genuine smile can have a positive impact on your day.

8. Get rid of a bad habit

Is there something you used to do that you would like to stop? Think, for example, of the number of hours you spend watching TV, surfing the Internet, or smoking cigarettes. Now the trick is to try for 1 day only give it up and see what happens. And who knows, maybe you will find that you feel much better without it!

9. Stop complaining

Make an effort to be aware of the things you complain about the most. And then, instead of hanging on to his negative thoughts, work on finding a solution to that concern or otherwise deliberately choose not to think about it anymore. Why ? Because when we complain, we spend our energy for nothing and we let ourselves be invaded by negative thoughts. The best way to instantly feel better is to let go of whining.

10. Dream while awake

Do you have a secret dream that you would like to see come true? For example, to become a famous author, to paint, to create an association to help people ... Now imagine that this dream has come true. You will feel the excitement building up in you and all you have to do is hang on to this feeling for as long as possible. Daydreaming while awake is a great way to stay motivated and focused on your goals. With this method, it is certain that you will be feeling better in no time!

11. Give yourself a compliment

When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror and gave yourself a compliment? If you're like most people, the answer is definitely never! But if you want to feel better instantly, look at yourself in the mirror and remember one thing that makes you really proud. Is it your courage, your success, or just your pretty eyes? Either way, say it out loud! You will feel much better in the next minute :-)

And There you go ! These 11 simple practices will help you feel better and be more positive quickly. I challenge you to pick 3, right now, and practice them throughout the day to start. Tell me about it in the comments!

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