The Simple Trick To Get Rid Of Musty Odors In Closets.

Musty odors are sometimes stubborn.

Spraying a product that smells good, but chemical is not the solution!

Are you looking for a tip to permanently get rid of stale odors?

Fortunately, there is a natural remedy for removing bad smells from a closet or room. This is white vinegar.

remove odors locked in cupboard

1. In a closet

To/ Have a drink (or two if the closet is large).

b / Fill it with white vinegar.

vs/ Put it in your closet.

d / Leave on overnight.

2. In an entire room

To/ Take a bucket.

b / Fill it with dry herbs.

vs/ Sprinkle it with white vinegar.

d / Place the bucket in the middle of the room.

e / Leave on for a day.


And There you go ! You got rid of the stale odors :-)

Be careful, some smells have an origin that should not be overlooked, such as mold or a dead animal.

First find the cause of this smell before acting!

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick for eliminating musty odors in closets? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Say goodbye to smells in the fridge with this tip.

Fishy Smells at Home? The Tip To Get Rid Of It Quickly.

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