How To Get Cats Away From Your Garden?

Are cats invading your garden?

Do they not hesitate to do their business in your plantations or to play with your small plants?

It's almost inevitable ...

Except that by jumping into your flowers like crazy and scratching your plants, of course, it does damage.

Are you wondering how to scare away cats and thus protect garden plants?

The simple trick is to use coffee grounds and lemon, which are formidable but harmless to felines.

a cat among the flowers

How to do

1. Collect coffee grounds.

2. Cut the lemon peels into small pieces.

3. Mix the coffee grounds and the chopped lemon peels.

4. Regularly disperse your mixture around your plants.


And there you have it, you chased the cats from your vegetable garden and your plants :-)

Against playful tomcats, there aren't many solutions left, apart from creating this repellent barrier to prevent them from starting their stupid things again.

From experience I know that lemon annoys cats at the highest point. The next leap in my flowers and shrubs will leave them with very unpleasant surprises: a lemony smell full of the nostrils and the bad bitter coffee grounds taste at the time of the toilet!

Enough to learn the lesson and not want to have fun in my garden anymore!

Bonus tip

Another advantage of coffee grounds and lemon is that they make great compost for plants. By using it to chase cats from my garden, I find plants intact and in great shape!

Savings made

Among the hated elements of cats are citrus and bitterness. Now that you know the weapons that scare them away from the garden, there's no need to rack your brains trying to find some super-sophisticated repellant.

You will save 15 € for every bottle of cat repellent purchased, thanks to this solution that will cost you nothing at all; And that's good !

Your turn...

You have a new cat protection system, but if you know of any others, please share them by posting a comment. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

How to fight against the smell of cat pee? My 3 Miracle Ingredients.

An Effective & Natural Repellent That Cats Hate.

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