Veal Kidneys in Port, an Easy-to-Cook Traditional Recipe.

Do you like veal kidneys?

Veal kidney recipes come in all kinds of sauces.

Today, I suggest you cook them in port.

This offal, with a very fine taste, is rich in iron. Did you know it's a great memory booster?

So of course, kidneys are not to everyone's taste.

But I can assure you that offal lovers will love this easy-to-make recipe!

the easy recipe for veal kidneys with port

Preperation : 15 min - Cooking: 10 min - Easy

Ingredients for 2 people

- 450 g of veal kidneys

- 10 cl of red port

- 1 shallot

- 2 tablespoons of sour cream

- 20 g of butter

- Salt pepper

How to do

1. Rinse the kidneys in clean water, gently sponge them with absorbent paper and cut them into cubes.

2. Peel and slice the shallot.

3. Heat the butter in a frying pan, place the kidneys and the minced shallot in it. Leave to brown over high heat for 5 to 6 minutes, stirring occasionally.

4. Deglaze with the port and let reduce.

5. Season with salt and pepper and add the crème fraîche.

6. Simmer over low heat until the kidneys take on a pink color (about ten minutes).


There you go, your port veal kidneys are already ready :-)

Serve hot with rice or potatoes.

It's an easy recipe to make, isn't it?

Tip: how to choose veal kidneys?

Kidneys should be eaten very fresh. Preferably choose light kidneys, pink in color, or even light beige.

They will be significantly tastier than those of a darker color which reveal a much more pronounced taste.


- 450 g of veal kidneys: at € 6.80 per kilo or € 3.06

- 10 cl of red port: at € 6.41 per liter, i.e. € 0.64

- 1 shallot: around 25 g at € 3.90 per kilo or € 0.10

- 30 ml of fresh cream: at € 2.24 per liter, i.e. € 0.07

An addition of € 1.93 per person or € 3.87 for 2 people.

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