The Homemade Ketchup Recipe.


Yeah, kids, OK, but then some homemade ketchup!

Because the ketchup junk sold in stores, and overpriced, no! A mom who rocks does not want it!

So, in the kitchen to make your own ketchup without preservatives or coloring:

homemade ketchup recipe


- 2 kg of ripe tomatoes

- 2 onions

- 60 g of brown sugar

- 1 clove of garlic

- 2 teaspoons of salt

- 1 teaspoon of pepper

- 2 cloves

- 2 tablespoons of olive oil

- 10 cl of wine vinegar (red)

How to do

Preparation time : 20 min

Cooking time : 1h

Total duration : 1h20

1. Chop the onions.

2. In a saucepan of boiling water, soak your tomatoes for 5 minutes.

3. Drain them to peel, seed and dice them.

4. In olive oil, brown the onions and chopped garlic clove, then the tomatoes.

5. Cook for 30 minutes, stirring often.

6. In another saucepan, melt the sugar in the vinegar.

7. Add the cloves.

8. Pass the tomato puree in a blender or potato masher.

9. Mix it with the vinegar and sugar coulis.

10. Thicken for 30 min. You should get a texture similar to a jam.

11. Pour the hot ketchup into jars to keep upside down.


Here it is, it's done, your ketchup is ready :-)

This homemade ketchup can be kept for 2 to 3 months in the fridge.

It's still better and cheaper than industrial ketchup!

Your turn...

Have you tried this homemade ketchup recipe? Tell us in the comments if you liked it. We can't wait to hear from you!

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