The Simple Trick To Get Eye Drops EASILY.

Need to put eye drops?

And you don't really know how to go about it?

It is true that it can seem difficult when you are not used to it ...

Fortunately, there is a trick to putting drops in the eyes easily.

With this technique you don't even have to touch the eyelid!

The trick is to place the container in the corner of the eye. Look :

Place the container in the outer corner of the eye

How to do

1. Stand in front of a mirror.

2. Tilt your head slightly forward.

3. Place the container in the outer corner of the eye without touching the eye.

4. Keep your eye wide open.

5. Press down on the container to drain the liquid into the eye.


And there you have it, you managed to put the drops in your eyes easily :-)

With this technique you can be sure that the drops have been applied, without putting too much either!

And you don't need to use a device to do it.

Very handy if you need to put physiological saline, eye drops or any other eye drop.

Contact lens wearers like me should appreciate this tip!

The advantage is that you don't even have to touch your eye and eyelid to instill your drops.

With a little practice, you can even do it anywhere without using a mirror.

It works equally well for putting drops on your own but also for putting them in the eyes of a baby, a dog or a cat.

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick to get eye drops easily? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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