The Natural Dewormer That Heals Your Dog in Just 1 Day!

Is your dog not feeling well?

Vomiting, loss of appetite, and it's scratching his bottom all the time?

No doubt he must have worms in his intestines!

In this case, a dewormer is needed to treat it quickly.

Fortunately, here is the simple and effective grandma's remedy to cure your dog quickly in 1 day.

The natural treatment is mix a little green clay in the dog's water bowl. Look :

spoon of green clay to deworm dogs naturally

What you need

- 1 teaspoon of green clay

- a bowl of water

How to do

1. Take your dog's water bowl.

2. Add the clay.

3. Mix the clay into the water with a spoon.

4. Give the bowl of clay water to your dog.


And There you go ! In just 1 day, this natural dewormer heals your dog :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

The dog will drink the clayey water throughout the day.

The effects are rapid since in 1 day, the worms begin to be evacuated.

I can tell you that I was impressed with the results!

It was not very pretty to see, but my dog ​​must have been relieved.

He has also regained his appetite and a little weight.

Additional advice

Obviously, this trick also works for cats.

You can also add a little clay to your dog or cat's pie.

Clay is a broad spectrum dewormer, which is great if you don't know which worms are infesting your animal.

There are 2 types of worms: nematodes look like a small spaghetti, and cestodes which look like a white ribbon, the most famous of which is the tapeworm.

Why does it work?

Clay is an active ingredient that helps evacuate parasites lodged in the intestines.

It prevents the proliferation of worms and bacteria that grow alongside them and which sometimes cause diarrhea. The clay also stops diarrhea.

Finally, the clay reconstitutes the intestinal flora sometimes abused by the presence of worms.

Good to know

If you don't have clay, rhassoul works too.

The pumpkin seed works against tapeworms.

Garlic, thyme, wild thyme and green algae are also active against worms.

It can be mixed with the dog's food in small quantities.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's trick to deworm your animals naturally? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

10 Uses of Green Clay Everyone Should Know

15 Essential Tips For Anyone Who Has A Dog.

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