Here's How To Cut Foie Gras Easily To Make Nice Slices.

Here's how to cut fresh foie gras easily.

And above all, make beautiful slices for your guests.

To slice it well once out of its box, there is a very simple trick.

You don't even need a wire to cut the foie gras, the proof in pictures:

Cut the foie gras easily by heating the blade of your knife

How to do

1. Fill a glass with very hot water.

2. Then put a sharp knife in the glass.

3. Let the knife soak for at least 30 seconds in order for the blade to heat up well.


And there you have it, you now know how to make beautiful slices of foie gras :-)

Now you can cut beautiful slices. The heat makes it easier to cut.

And if you have foie gras left, don't forget you can freeze it. The explanations are here.

Your turn...

Have you tried this simple trick for cutting fatty liver? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Can I Freeze Foie Gras? My Answer So as not to spoil.

How to Easily Unmold a Block of Foie Gras?

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