The 4 Benefits of Magnesium Chloride During Pregnancy.

It's proven ! Magnesium chloride is essential for the good progress of pregnancy.

A deficiency of magnesium chloride promotes a higher risk of prematurity.

It could also be an additional risk factor for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

It is therefore particularly recommended to make a cure, if you are pregnant. But do you know all its benefits during pregnancy?

during pregnancy take magnesium chloride cures

1. It relieves nighttime cramps

Pregnant, the nights are not easy! Particularly because terrible cramps wake you up, especially during the last months of pregnancy.

These involuntary muscle contractions are not serious but very painful. Magnesium chloride can decrease them.

2. It decreases stress and sleep disorders

The two are often linked! The prospect of becoming a mom can be stressful.

As a result, you sleep less well. You wake up many times each night and your sleep is less restful.

Magnesium chloride can help you manage stress better and sleep better.

3. It regulates intestinal transit

Constipation during pregnancy… Which pregnant woman escaped it? The intestinal transit of pregnant women is slowed down.

As a result, pregnancy is often synonymous with constipation.

Magnesium chloride has slightly laxative properties: it can thus promote better transit in expectant mothers.

4. It reduces the pain of contractions

The bête noire of pregnant women are contractions!

It seems that magnesium chloride helps reduce these pains. Will you tell us?


There you have it, you now know all the benefits of a magnesium chloride treatment during pregnancy :-)

These magnesium chloride cures during your pregnancy can be spaced out throughout your pregnancy.

But especially plan to do one in the last 3 weeks before the expected date of your delivery.

Be careful, before starting this treatment, always ask your doctor for advice during your pregnancy to be sure that there are no contraindications in your particular case.

Don't you have magnesium chloride? No need to travel: you can find them here.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's trick to feel good during pregnancy? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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