The Natural Remedy to Cure Sinusitis Faster.

Sinusitis is a disease that requires medical treatment.

However, there are natural remedies to speed up healing, in addition to treatment.

The remedy is to chew a piece of comb honey like chewing gum 4 to 5 times a day:

comb honey relieves sinusitis

How to do

1. Chew a piece of comb honey as if it were chewing gum.

2. After 15 to 20 minutes, throw it in the trash.

3. Repeat 3-4 times a day.


And there you have it, you relieved your sinusitis naturally :-)

Simple, practical and efficient!

What is comb honey?

As its name suggests, it is the honey collected in the cells of the hive. It contains honey, but also beeswax.

It can be found in boxes or glass jars in organic stores.

In addition

In order to further accelerate healing, you can use a nasal spray containing propolis. You can find this spray here.

You can also clean your nose with a seawater solution and then inhale powdered propolis.

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Also to discover:

Finally a Natural and Effective Remedy Against Sinusitis.

My Little Tricks from Grandmother to Treat Sinusitis.

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