The Natural Remedy To Relieve Heat Swollen Feet.

With the heat, or because we walk all day, the feet are swollen and sore.

Our little feet are put to the test and need to be relieved.

To avoid unnecessary pain and relax your feet, consider this natural remedy: the magnesium chloride bath.

a chloride foot bath releases heat-swollen feet

How to do

1. Dilute a sachet (20 g) of magnesium chloride in a basin of lukewarm water.

2. Immerse your feet in the basin for at least 15 min.

3. Dry them thoroughly.


And There you go. You have relieved your swollen feet with the heat. :-)

Be careful, if you use Nigari instead of magnesium chloride, count 2 tablespoons for a basin of water.

Option: for more efficiency, you can add some sage leaves as in the photo.

Why it works

Magnesium chloride contains salt, which is well known to relieve pain. It relaxes the feet naturally in the foot baths.

Sage, on the other hand, helps you sweat less. Which can be useful when the weather is hot.

If you have run out of magnesium chloride, you can find it here.

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