The Simple And Effective Tip To Remove PESTICIDES From A Salad.

Green salads are not spared by pesticides!

And given the price of organic salads, we can't always afford it ...

Fortunately, there is a simple trick to cleaning a salad properly and removing a good deal of the pesticides from the leaves.

The simple and effective trick is to wash it leaf by leaf then to rinse it in vinegar water. Look :

The Simple And Effective Tip To Remove PESTICIDES From A Salad.

What you need

- 100 ml white vinegar

- basin

How to do

1. Fill the basin with fresh water.

2. Wash the salad leaf by leaf in the basin.

3. Add the white vinegar to the water.

4. Rinse the salad in this vinegar water for 2 min.

5. Drain the salad as usual.


how to properly wash a green salad to remove pesticides

And There you go ! You removed the pesticides from your green salad :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

In addition, your salad is now thoroughly washed.

No more crackling sand and earth!

This trick works for all types of salad: escarole, lettuce, oak leaf or sucrine and even endives and leeks.

Why does it work?

why it is necessary to wash a green salad well

Leaf by leaf washing gets rid of all the small particles of soil or sand.

As for white vinegar, it eliminates pesticide residues and scares away small animals hidden in the leaves.

I obviously tested this trick ... And what was my surprise to see everything that comes out of the leaves of a supermarket salad.

Look at those oily patches: it's the product that makes the leaves shine. Not very appetizing!

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandma's trick for removing pesticides from a green salad? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

How To Remove Pesticides From Fruits and Vegetables Easily.

The Simple Tip To Remove Pesticides From Fruits and Vegetables.

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