Build your Bodybuilding Equipment with Household Items.

Buying dumbbells and a whole bunch of weight machines is an unnecessary expense. Save money by making your own materials or using everyday items.

No need for dumbbells or wacky machines to obtain good sports results: the home environment offers us everything we need to effectively work on our physical condition and develop our body harmoniously.

Here's how to do it with just 2 chairs, 2 towels, a broom and 2 bottles of water. At work !

Two Women Bodybuilding: Build Your Bodybuilding Equipment with Objects from the House.

2 Chairs for Elevated Pumps

The chairs are the best allies of the "sports home". Place two chairs facing each other, about 80 cm apart. The following exercise is a facilitated version of the push-ups.

Targeted muscles: lower and outer part of the pectorals, triceps.

Difficulty : easy.

Starting position: put a hand on each chair. Look at the ground, the head in line with the body. Tighten your stomach and keep your back straight.


  • Bend your arms so that your chest is lowered between the chairs, inhaling.

  • Go down until your chest is at its lowest.

  • Go up while blowing.

Sets and reps: Repeat the movement 12 times, breathe out for a minute and repeat a second and a third series.

2 Chairs, 2 Towels and a Broom for Horizontal Pull-ups

Place 2 chairs facing each other, spaced 1m20 apart. a brush balanced across the folders, which you will tie to each folder using 2 napkins.

Targeted muscles: dorsals, biceps, abdominals.

Difficulty : mean.

Starting position: stand under the broom while looking at the ceiling. Grab it by spacing your hands one and a half times the width of your shoulders. Here you are suspended, legs bent. Now straighten your thighs in line with the trunk, bringing your heels as far as possible. Hold your body straight.


  • As you breathe out, pull your chest up against the bar (arm flexion).

  • While inhaling, descend slowly, slowing the movement.

Sets and reps: Repeat the movement 8 times, breathe out for 30 seconds and repeat a second and then a third series.

2 Bottles of water to Sculpt your Shoulders.

Choose two water bottles of 1 l each. Full, they will weigh 1 kg each. By swapping their content for sand, their weight will be a little more than 1.5 kg, the density of sand being greater than that of water. Is it too light? Opt for 1.5 L bottles and repeat the operation with sand: their weight will reach 2.5 kg.

Targeted muscles: shoulders.

Difficulty : mean.

Starting position: stand upright with your gaze horizontal. Hold a bottle in each hand, arms at your sides. Squeeze your stomach and flex your legs slightly. Raise the arms outstretched to the sides in order to position them horizontally on each side (crosswise).


  • As you exhale, raise your arms straight up to the vertical, above your head.

  • While inhaling, slowly descend to the horizontal.

Sets and reps: Repeat the movement 15 times, breathe out for 30 seconds and repeat a second and a third series.

These 3 exercises develop all the muscles of the upper body. This succinct material will bring a bit of novelty to your training and a good dose of motivation. Good luck and don't hesitate to post a comment!

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Also to discover:

8 Exercises You Can Do Anywhere (And Without Equipment).

Exercise Without Equipment with The Psynetic Method.

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