Does your pie shell stay soft? The Tip For A Crispy Pie Every Time.

Savory or sweet pies are delicious!

The problem is that the pie shell often remains soft and is undercooked ...

And if you put the pie to bake on its own without the filling, it swells.

Luckily my grandma gave me her thing for a crispy pie every time and avoiding a soggy dough.

The trick is put baking paper on the dough and put rice on top. Look :

Rice on top of the pie so that it is well cooked and crispy

What you need

- baking paper

- 1 packet of rice

How to do

1. Spread the dough on the bottom of the mold.

2. Cover the dough with baking paper.

3. Pour in enough rice so that the dough is coated.

4. Cook in the oven for 10 minutes and take it out to check.

5. If the dough is lightly browned around the edges, remove it from the oven.

6. Use the paper to transfer the rice to a container for later use.

7. Put the filling on the dough and return to the oven to finish cooking.


puff pastry well cooked with baking paper and rice

And There you go ! Your pie is now perfectly baked, even at the bottom :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

No more uncooked or moist pie shells because of vegetables or fruit.

Now all of your pies are perfectly crisp, even on the bottom.

This is called "white baking" a pie shell.

And it works with all types of pasta: puff, shortbread or broken.

The best part is that the rice can be reused as many times as you want!

Why does it work?

The weight of the rice on the pie allows it to be cooked without puffing or lifting.

As for the baking paper, it protects the bottom of the pie and avoids having rice everywhere.

Be aware that the rice that you have "cooked" cannot be eaten.

On the other hand, you can very well reuse it for the next pie. So keep it in a separate jar.

If you don't want to use rice, replace it with cherry or apricot kernels, for example.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's trick for baking your pie crusts? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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