The Trick to Recognize a Hard-Boiled Egg from a Raw Egg Every Time.

Can't remember if an egg is raw or hard?

It's not easy to know if an egg is hard or raw ... Unless you break it!

Fortunately, to make sure your egg is hard or raw, there is an unstoppable trick.

You just have to spin the egg on itself. Look :

the trick to recognizing a hard-boiled egg from a raw egg

How to do

1. Take the egg in question.

2. Spin it on a table.

3. If it turns on its axis in a natural way, it is because it is hard.

4. If he starts to spin anyhow, it is because he is believed.


There you go, you know how to recognize a hard-boiled egg from a raw egg :-)

Simple, practical and efficient!

It's normal when you think about it, a raw egg is liquid inside. The liquid will sway with each spin and prevent the egg from spinning properly.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandma's trick to find out if an egg is raw or hard-boiled? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The Trick to Recognize a Fresh Egg from an Expired Egg Every Time.

12 Essential Tips to Know Before Cooking Eggs.

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