Without Doubt THE Best Way to Maintain a Dryer.

A dryer should be cleaned and maintained regularly.

To keep optimal drying and keep your dryer for a long time, there are simple steps you can take.

Rest assured, this trick costs next to nothing.

And it's NO chemicals. Look :

maintain your dryer with baking soda and white vinegar

How to do

1. After each use, clean the drum with a sponge of wrung out soapy water.

2. Never use abrasive powder or alcohol.

3. If your dryer smells bad, use a sponge soaked in detergent and a little baking soda.

4. Also clean the body and the gaskets of the dryer, with a little white vinegar very slightly diluted.

If your dryer has turned yellow

- Pass a sponge soaked in ½ cup of bleach and ¼ cup of baking soda and 4 cups of hot water. The product should act for at least 10 minutes, then be rinsed and dried.

If you have a condenser dryer

- Empty the water collection tray after EACH use.

- Clean the condenser with a vacuum cleaner or in the shower once a month.

- Again, do not use abrasives or alcohol.

- Clean the filter which collects all the dirt after EACH use.


There you go, you know how to clean and maintain your dryer properly :-)

Your turn...

Have you tried this economical tip for cleaning your dryer? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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