How to store the pot lids properly? The Secret Unveiled.

You also don't know where to store all your pot lids?

Me, it was the same until I discovered the secret.

With this clever storage, my lids no longer wander around in all the kitchen cupboards.

The trick is to put a towel bar in the closet:

Clever pot lids storage

How to do

1. Buy a towel bar (like this one for example).

2. Install it in the kitchen behind the closet door.

3. Place your pan and pot lids on it.


And There you go ! Your lids are always in the right place :-)

Suddenly, it becomes easier to heat water with a lid.

Your turn...

Have you tried this simple trick for storing pot lids? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

THE New Storage for Pot Lids.

The Simple Trick To Lift The Lid Of A Saucepan Without Burning Yourself.

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