How to Eat Mussels in a Restaurant? 2 Little Things to Know.

Whether it's marinières, cream, white wine or even Roquefort, mussels ... it's so good!

Especially when you have them served in the restaurant.

Yes, but do you know how to eat mussels?

Here are 2 tips to know to blow your mind during your next dinner with friends.

plate of classic marinière mussels

1. Use the shell as a clamp

No need for utensils to eat good sea mussels. Take the first mussel discreetly with your fingers without being roasted by your friends.

Or better, find a shell already empty on your plate. There is always at least one that has lost its shellfish during cooking.

Now that you are armed to the teeth, grab the empty shell to use it. as natural forceps. All you have to do is extract the precious crustaceans from the shells to enjoy. Handy, isn't it? This is what it looks like in a photo:

Use an empty mussel shell as a clamp to eat

Note that after a few delicately tasted mussels, the flexibility of the empty shell decreases. At that point, it's time to reload the ammo.

Use another empty shell (you should have a choice now) as a brand new new clamp.

By the way, speaking of an empty shell, you must now have a bunch of them. You have no more room on the plate? And don't know where to put them?

Don't panic, here is a little useful tip to get you out of this mess in the most beautiful way.

2. Nest the molds one inside the other

Did you know that the molds fit together perfectly? No ? Well me neither. Until my godfather gives me the tip.

With this technique, you save as much space as possible on your plate. Photo proof:

Nested mussel shells on a plate

No need to empty your empty shells every 2 minutes in the container provided for this purpose.

Advantages ? Admit that it's still classier, right?

And that's also a lot less noise at the table. Because instead of throwing them one by one in the container, you can put at least twenty of them at once. Practice !

It can also be useful if you are a big mussel eater who wants to go incognito at a restaurant or with friends.

By placing them in this way on your plate, your host will have a little more trouble estimating the quantity you have swallowed ;-)

It takes up less space in the trash

Nesting empty shells also takes up less space in the garbage bag. For those who like to eat mussels and fries at home, it is less garbage bags useds.

And if everyone at the table fits the empty shells into their plates, there is no need for a container to throw away the empty shells. It always makes one less dish to wash. It will always please the person doing the dishes!

It is also a time saving for the mistress house that will not need to get up 15 times to empty the container of empty shells. You will see, she will thank you!

By the way, if you are looking for an inexpensive mussels recipe, I recommend Cathy's article to feast at 2.08 € per person.

Your turn...

Have you been able to make a splash at the restaurant with these 2 little things? Do you know any other tips for eating mussels with even more class? If so, leave us a comment.

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Also to discover:

La Recipe de Mussels Marinières at Only 2.08 € per Person.

La Mouclade Charentaise: An Easy and Economical Mussels Recipe!

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