Super Easy To Make: The Bubble Blower Kids LOVE!

Kids love soap bubbles! And this, regardless of the season of the year.

So here's how to make a soap bubble blower that will make people happy.

Children will be able to play with it outside when the weather is nice or inside while taking their bath.

And don't worry, it is very easy to do!

In addition, you surely have everything you need at home. Look :

How to make a soap bubble blower

What you need

- 1 small plastic bottle

- 1 old washcloth

- 1 elastic

- dishwashing liquid

- 1 felt

- 1 pair of scissors

How to do

1. Cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle.

2. Place the bottle on the washcloth.

3. With the felt, trace the outline of the bottle on the glove, leaving about three cm of margin.

4. Cut the circle with scissors.

5. Tie the cut washcloth on the bottom of the bottle with the elastic.

6. In a bowl, mix two parts dishwashing liquid with one part water.

7. Immerse the bottle with the attached glove in this mixture.

Immerse the bottle in soapy water

8. All that remains is to blow into the bottle through the neck.


And there you have it, your soap bubble blower is already ready :-)

Children will love to play with it in the garden. But you still have the right to play with them, eh ;-)

Little girl blowing soap bubble blower

You will see, the bubbles coming out of it are thick and stick together, forming a bubble snake!

Enter a contest to see who gets to make the longest snake!

Your turn...

Did you make your own bubble blower? Let us know in the comments if it worked well for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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