Why put your itchy wool sweater in the freezer?

Our warmest sweaters are often the most itchy.

So how do you do it? Do you catch a cold or itch all day?

Maybe I have a solution if you have a freezer ...

There is a surprising but effective grandmother's trick to keep sweaters from scratching.

The thing that works is putting the sweater in the freezer. Weird, isn't it? But effective! Look :

put a itchy wool sweater in the freezer so that it no longer itches

How to do

1. Put your sweater in a bag.

2. Put the bag in the freezer.

3. Leave it overnight.

4. Take the bag out of the freezer.

5. Let the sweater thaw.

6. Let it dry.


And there you have it, your wool sweater no longer itches at all :-)

The sweater no longer itches: It's magic, isn't it?

You will finally be able to put on your sweater without a thick underwear and without scratching all day. It's still nicer like that!

Your turn...

Have you tried that granny trick for itchy sweaters? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

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