The Remedy That Works For Earplugs.

Can you hear badly?

What if you were concerned with earplugs?

These small inconveniences are frequent.

It is the accumulation of earwax in the ear that is the cause.

No particular danger, no pain, but an unpleasant sensation and sometimes also, buzzing.

Are you wondering what to do to naturally remove an ear plug?

Luckily, there is a simple to use and effective little grandma's trick to get around it.

Just use a little olive oil and lemon. Look :

natural trick to remove an ear plug

How to do

1. Soak a cotton ball in olive oil.

2. Put cotton wool soaked in olive oil in the ear.

3. Keep it on overnight.

4. In the morning, remove the cotton.

5. Clean with another cotton ball soaked in lemon juice.

6. Rinse the ear with lukewarm water.


A cotton ball soaked in olive oil to treat an ear plug

There you go, your earplug is dissolved :-)

Thanks to this grandmother's remedy, you can now hear wonderfully.

This is an effective grandmother's trick to remove a plug in the ear.

Do not use a Cotton Swab: you risk pushing the plug deep into the ear canal.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandma's recipe for removing a clog naturally? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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