How to Remove a Red Wine Stain?

Did you make a red wine stain on your cotton tablecloth?

Rest assured, it is not a big deal.

Fortunately, there is a handy grandma's trick for removing a red wine stain.

The effective trick to removing a red wine stain is to quickly pour white wine over it.

how to remove a red wine stain from a white fabric, shirt or tablecloth with white wine

How to do

1. Pour a glass of white wine over the red wine stain.

2. No need to rub the stain to clean it.

3. Just wait for it to dry.

4. Put the tablecloth in the washing machine.


And there you have it, the wine stain is gone effortlessly :-)

The stain disappeared as if by magic, without leaving any halos. No need to rub: the tablecloth is perfectly clean.

Simple, efficient and economical, isn't it? Your tablecloth is now like new.

Savings made

No need to buy a wine stain remover anymore!

And with this trick to remove the red wine stains at home, no need to go to the dry cleaners to have your fabric cleaned.

Considering the price of dry cleaners, it is a good smart plan to make interesting savings.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's trick to remove a red wine stain from a fabric? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The 8 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Red Wine.

What to do with the leftover red wine? An Original Tip.

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