The Unbelievable Trick To Launder A Shirt Collar That Has Darkened.

No matter how you wash your white shirt, the collar never comes out very clean.

There are still traces and it does not look clean. Getting your white collar back seems difficult.

Are you looking for a trick to clean your blackened collar and make it white like new?

Fortunately, there is a natural way to wash your dirty shirt collar. Follow the recipe:

Clean natural whiten blackened shirt collar

How to do

1. Mix equal parts in a basin of lukewarm water and lemon juice.

2. Add the same amount of dish soap and ammonia.

3. Mix these four products well.

4. Soak your cervix to soak it.

5. Scrub it with an old toothbrush.

6. Rinse and let dry.


And There you go ! Your collar is again very white :-)

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