Take the Challenge: 30 Days To Do Spring Cleaning In All Businesses.

The spring cleaning will allow you to put your house back in order from top to bottom!

And what's great is that you'll be able to tidy up your home without feeling overwhelmed.

During these 30 days, you will no longer have the impression that you will never be able to finish this household.

No more seeing it as an endless job impossible to finish!

I don't know about you but I can't stand to see my house in a mess and yet it always ends up being a mess!

When we moved here 2 years ago everything was in its place, tidy and everything worked perfectly.

I loved the feeling of being at home knowing that everything was clean and tidy.

30 days to do the spring cleaning

A year later, the TV cabinet is full of scratched DVDs lying around, the kitchen drawers are full of useless stuff and my room is full of things that I don't put any more ...

It is really time to get back on the right track!

If I want to live again in a peaceful place where I feel good, I have to get started!

Fortunately, this 30-day spring cleaning challenge is perfect for getting things in order. Look :

30-day calendar for spring cleaning

To easily print this calendar in PDF, click here.

30 days to do the spring cleaning

1. Empty and put away a drawer full of mess.

2. Empty your closet of stuff you haven't put in for over a year.

3. Sort through the DVDs and CDs you have.

4. Put away the TV cabinet and its drawers.

5. File and store your papers and letters.

6. Thoroughly clean your kitchen table.

7. Empty and put away two kitchen cupboards.

8. Get rid of old books.

9. Sort through your wallet.

10. Empty and store the inside of your purse.

11. Clean and sort in your makeup drawer.

12. Throw away almost empty tubes lying around in the bathroom.

13. Sort the drawers in your bathroom.

14. Sort through the family's shoes and donate those that no one else is wearing.

15. Empty and put away two more kitchen cupboards.

16. Put away your bed linen closet.

17. Empty and put away your medicine cabinet.

18. Sort it out in the freezer and throw away the stuff that is no longer good.

19. Organize all kitchen countertops.

20. Empty and put away a second drawer full of mess.

21. Empty the fridge and throw away the stuff that is no longer good.

22. Tidy up your cellar (or storage room) and get rid of unnecessary stuff.

23. Get rid of accessories that are no longer needed (jewelry, hat, scarf, etc.)

24. Thoroughly clean your car.

25. Sort through the toys and donate those that are no longer needed.

26. Put away any remaining toys.

27. Sort out board games and video games. Donate those who no longer serve.

28. Store and dispose of toxic cleaning products.

29. Tidy up your garage and get rid of unnecessary stuff.

30. Clean the whole house in 1 hour flat with this trick.


Well done ! You have managed to do a great spring cleaning in all your things :-)

It wasn't that complicated, was it?

Obviously, whenever someone says to get rid of something, consider giving it away rather than throwing it away!

Once your home is tidy from top to bottom, I recommend that you use this cleaning checklist to keep it clean.

This will allow you to keep a well organized and neat house for long months without tiring you.

Yep, you still haven't worked that hard to find a messy house, right?

If you are struggling to get rid of unnecessary things at home, I highly suggest you use these 6 tips to make room in your house easily.

Your turn...

Have you taken up the 30-day spring cleaning challenge? Tell us in the comments if you were successful. We can't wait to hear from you!

Do you like this trick ? Share it with your friends on Facebook.

Also to discover:

How to Clean Your Whole House in 1 Hour Chrono.

Spring Cleaning: Which Natural Products to Make the whole House Shine?

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