The Miraculous Trick To Clean Copper Pans EASILY.

Have your copper pans lost their shine? Wondering how to clean them?

It is true that by dint of using them, they quickly get dirty ...

They darken and even become a little greenish.

Fortunately, there is an effective grandmother's trick to give them a second youth even if they are very oxidized.

The trick to cleaning them naturally is to use white vinegar and salt to clean dirty copper. Look :

Dirty copper saucepans and clean with white vinegar

How to do

1. Heat a liter of white vinegar.

2. Add a handful of coarse salt.

3. Let the salt dissolve.

4. Pour this mixture into a basin.

5. Put the bottom of the saucepan to soak in the basin.

6. If necessary, rub the stains that resist with a stiff brush.

7. Rinse the pan.

8. Dry with a soft, dry cloth.


And there you have it, your copper pans are now as shiny as if they were new :-)

This grandmother's thing also works to maintain and clean knickknacks, a basin, a cauldron, a pot and all copper objects, almost without scrubbing.

Even more need to buy Mirror!


Better to put on your cleaning gloves to clean your old, very dirty copper pots. Why ?

Because even if white vinegar is harmless, cleaning residues are toxic.

In fact, it's like cleaning up money!

Your turn...

Have you tried this homemade trick for cleaning copper? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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