Silk Soft Hands with My Lemon Remedy.

The hands betray our age ...

Or not...

Frankly, having granny's hands before age is not very glamorous.

Here is a very simple recipe to find hands as soft as silk, with lemon!

grandma's remedy for soft hands with lemon

What you need

For this grandmother's recipe, we need:

- half a lemon peel

- moisturizer

- a clean towel

How to do

1. Turn the lemon skin over so that the pulp is on the outside.

2. Rub your hands with the skin of the lemon.

3. Let sit for one to two minutes.

4. Rinse it off with cold water.

5. Dry hands well.

6. Then apply the moisturizer on the hands, making it penetrate well using circular massages, not forgetting the nails. They also need hydration!

7. Massage for about 5 minutes, insisting well on each finger, from the nail to the hand.


There you go, your hands are now very soft :-)

Simple, efficient and economical!

With this trick, it's easy to have soft, well-hydrated hands without spending a fortune on hand care.

Bonus tip

To have light and thin hands, you can do this little exercise.

Arms in the air, well outstretched, we open and close our hands firmly. Do two sets of 10.

Your turn...

If you too have any tips or recipes to have soft and light hands, do not hesitate to share them with us in the comments. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The Foolproof Tip To Remove Bad Smells From Hands.

The Easy Way To Wash Your Hands After Mechanics.

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