The Natural Recipe For Removing A Stubborn Sticker Without Leaving A Residue.

Need to remove a stuck sticker without leaving any traces?

No need to buy harmful chemical remover for your skin.

Here is the natural recipe to peel off a sticker without leaving any glue residue.

All you need is a little coconut oil and baking soda:

use a mixture of coconut oil and baking soda to remove a label from a jar

How to do

1. In a bowl, put 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and 1 teaspoon of baking soda.

2. Mix the coconut oil and baking soda together.

3. Apply the mixture directly to the sticker or tag and rub a little to make it penetrate.

4. Leave to rest for 2 min.

5. Finish with a scouring sponge (like this one) and rinse with water.


And There you go ! Like new, the glue residue is gone :-)

This trick also works of course glass (jar and bottle), plastic or wood.

If after the 1st application, the sticker is not completely gone and there is still some glue, repeat the operation several times as you would with a chemical solvent.

Of course, you can save your mixture for next time.

If you are looking for coconut oil, you can find it here and baking soda here.

Your turn...

Did you try that grandmother's trick to remove a stuck label? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The Magic Trick To Remove A Label Without Leaving Traces.

Home Remover and Acetone Free: Lemon as Natural Remover.

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