How to Strengthen Your Nails? Our Tip for Making Them Robust.

Brittle nails, bitten nails, damaged nails, does that mean anything to you?

It is not inevitable!

But no need to spend a fortune at the beautician to have beautiful nails.

My grandmother has a super effective way to strengthen her nails. All you need is garlic, olive oil and lemon.

Here is his tip just for you. Look :

garlic, olive oil and lemon to strengthen nails naturally

A miracle cure: garlic!

Try this old trick that is usually very effective: Every night, rub your nails with raw garlic for several minutes.

Thanks to the sulfur in garlic, your nails will grow back faster and make them stronger.

Olive oil and lemon juice

To nourish your nails, you can also massage them regularly with olive oil and to whiten them (and incidentally reduce the smell of garlic!) You can soak them in lemon juice.

Thus, you will have strong and nourished nails that will not break at the slightest opportunity.

Savings made

Another great savings with our tip: garlic, olive oil and lemon are very inexpensive everyday products compared to specific products on the market.

The savings are even greater if you used to do this kind of treatment in an institute.

Certainly, it is better to use this trick when you do not have much planned for the night, because hello smells, but at least no more problem of gnawed nails ...

Your turn...

So, isn't this trick pretty? Tell me in the comments if it works for you and how you get along with the smell ...

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Also to discover:

The Dreadful Tip To Whiten Your Nails In Less Than 1 Minute.

Tutorial: How to Fix Broken Nail EASILY.

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