The Trick to Recognize a Fresh Egg from an Expired Egg Every Time.

Are you tired of forgetting your eggs in the fridge and not knowing if they are still fresh or if they are already rotten?

Suddenly, you throw everything ...

Fortunately, with my grandmother's tip you will know if your egg is fresh or expired in the blink of an eye.

To find out if your egg has expired, all you need is a glass of water and a little salt. Look :

the trick to recognizing a fresh egg from an expired egg

How to do

1. Fill a glass with water.

2. Put a pinch of salt.

3. Immerse the egg in the glass of water.

4. If it floats, it is out of date. If it falls to the bottom of the bowl, it is still cool.


There you go, now you know how to tell the difference between an expired egg and a fresh egg.

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Also to discover:

Here is the Cooking Time for a Hard-Boiled, Boiled, Calf and Poached Egg.

The Magic Trick To Separate Egg Yolk From White In 5 Seconds.

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