No Garage Operator Wants You To See This Video ... This Cheat Will Save You A Lot Of Money!

Having a car is expensive!

There is of course gasoline which is a chasm, but that is not all.

The repairs at the garage also hurt the budget!

Even for a small bump, your can be sure your wallet will suffer.

Fortunately, there is a trick to repairing a bump easily. without going to the garage and spend a fortune.

All you need is a hair dryer and a compressed air bomb. Watch this amazing video:

What you need

- 1 hair dryer.

- a compressed air bomb.

How to do

1. Heat the dent on the body for about three minutes with the hair dryer.

2. Immediately after, cool the dent with the compressed air canister for about a minute.

3. Boom! The jail will stand up on its own before your astonished eyes.


And there you have it, the little dent on your car is gone :-)

No need to repair your bodywork at the garage!

This stuff works for small bumps, dips, and indentations.

So that the air of the bomb is very cold, hold the air canister upside down like in the video.

And before using it, think about shake it well so that the thermal shock is as strong as possible.

Why it works

It's all about expansion and contraction.

The heat from the hair dryer will first expand the body.

Then the cold of the compressed air bomb will contract it.

This hot / cold shock will return the metal to its original form.

So the next time someone bangs their car door on yours, consider trying this trick before spending any money at the mechanic!

Your turn...

Have you tried this economical trick to repair your bodywork? Tell us in the comments if it's effective. We can't wait to hear from you!

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