Grow Beautiful Roses By Planting The Cuttings In POTATOES.

Did you know that you can grow roses from a single stem?

Sounds incredible, right? But that's not all !

My neighbor who has a beautiful row of rose bushes told me his secret.

He plants the end of the stem in a potato before burying it.

It sounds crazy, but it really works! Why ?

Because this tip helps the stems retain their moisture while they develop beautiful roots.

Don't worry, it's easy to do. Look :

Use a potato to cut a rose bush easily

How to do

1. Choose a part of the garden that will be shaded during hot hours.

2. Dig a 15 cm deep trench with a vertical edge.

3. Put about 3 cm of sand at the bottom of the trench.

technique duplicate rosebush

4. Pick a stem on your rosebush that is the thickness of a pencil. It must be a stalk of the year, not an old one. The wood should be straight (no twisted or bifurcated wood) and mature (the thorns should be stiff and break cleanly).

how to choose a rose stalk for cutting

5. Cut the stem 23 cm long with a good pruning shears. Cut it off just below a bud. Remove the remaining flower, and cut the base at an angle.

6. Remove the leaves and thorns from the bottom half. You can leave two leaves at the top of the cup if you want. Personally, I remove everything.

prepare a rose stalk for cutting

7. Before planting cuttings, put the lower end in a small potato. This will help keep the cuttings moist while they develop their roots.

cutting rose bush with potato

8. Bury each stem two-thirds, making sure the potato is well buried in the sand.

tip for making rose cuttings

9. Tamp the sand well around the potato, to remove as much air as possible. Space the stems about 15 cm apart.

10. Return the soil to the trench and tamp lightly. Be careful not to damage the cuttings while doing this.

how to transplant a cutted rose

11. Water the cuttings regularly during the summer. In November, they are ready to be transplanted.


A beautiful orange rose growing in a garden

And There you go ! With this technique, you will easily obtain beautiful roses :-)

The potato which is used as a temporary support helps to maintain the stem in a humid environment.

Since the potato naturally contains a lot of water, you can be sure that the rose bush will not dry out.

My grandmother always cut from old sturdy rose bushes.

She used, for example, those found in old gardens or in cemeteries.

She said that if they had proven themselves in these conditions, they would necessarily leave!

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick for cutting roses? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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