Yellow spots on your arms: the trick that works to make them go away.

Do your children's t-shirts have yellow stains under their arms?

These halos in the armpits on clothing are caused by perspiration.

These stains are difficult to remove and unfortunately do not wash off easily.

Fortunately, there is a trick that works to remove them permanently and find your white laundry.

The trick is to use hydrogen peroxide mixed with washing up liquid and baking soda. Look :

How to remove yellow halos under the arms


- dishwashing liquid

- hydrogen peroxide

- baking soda

Ingredients: bicarbonate, dishwashing liquid and hydrogen peroxide

How to do

1. Put a teaspoon of dish soap directly on the stain.

2. Add two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide.

3. Sprinkle baking soda on the stain.

4. With a brush, rub the mixture directly onto the stain for a few minutes.

Rub the yellow stain with dish soap, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

5. Leave on for 1 to 2 hours.

6. Machine wash the garment as usual.


And there you have it, the yellow stains under the arms are gone :-)

Now you know how to remove yellow sweat stains from underarms! Easy, isn't it?

Depending on the size of the stain, you can increase the amount of washing up liquid and hydrogen peroxide.

In this case, keep the proportion of 1 volume of dishwashing liquid for 2 volumes of hydrogen peroxide.

Note that this trick also works to remove yellow marks from colored t-shirts and easily detach them.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandma's trick for removing yellow stains? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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The genius trick to removing traces of deodorant.

Yellow stains on white laundry? Our Tips for Removing Them.

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