My Gift Ideas to Fulfill Your Advent Calendar.

Have you created your own Advent calendar but are running out of ideas for the 24 surprises?

My list of small gifts can help you!

One chocolate a day is over.

Children, boys and girls alike, want something else and parents too!

Here are several ideas for replacing everyday chocolate. And it also works to fill Advent calendars for adults, male or female.

original gift ideas for the advent calendar

1. To tinker

Small original eraser, pencil sharpener, treadmill, stamp, fimo, stapler, sticker, beads, stickers, stencils, notching chisel, ...

2. For the bathroom

Bath balls, hair clips, small soap, nail polish, scrunchie, jewel, small perfume, bath flower, small bath toy ...

3. For fun

Small car, marbles, merry-go-round ticket, coloring, small soft toy, balloon, magnet, mini-book, small plastic animal, spinning top, bubble trick, pokemon card, finger puppets, card game ...

4. Other ideas

Precious stone, box of smarties, foreign coin, mini flashlight, printed tissue packet, cake mold, pretty seashell, phosphorescent sheep to stick on the wall, candle, "good for" (2 hours of play videos, choose the evening menu, the movie to rent ...).

5. Good deeds

A friend had also invented "the Advent calendar of good deeds".

The principle is simple: instead of giving a daily mini gift, we give our child a good deed to do in order to deserve Santa's gifts: tidy up his room, help bake a cake, clear the table, fold the small clean cloth, water the plants in the living room, take out the trash, fetch the mail, clean a window, sort your drawings, etc.

If you find this idea too strict, you can give a reward per day after every good deed.

If you have other ideas for small gifts to replace the usual chocolate, let us know in the comments.

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